Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How can my lips thinner without cosmetic surgery?

please help me!How can my lips thinner without cosmetic surgery?
use the concealer/foundation that you normally use to cover around a small part of the border of your lips

but just do anything for bigger lipsHow can my lips thinner without cosmetic surgery?
Sometimes cosmetic surgery gone wrong
can't but you can make them look thinner by lining inside the lip and using darker shades of lipstick avoiding gloss which makes it shiny and appear bigger. or put preparation h on it which will temporarily constrict the blood vessels in your lips making them appear smaller, but don't lick your lips, you don't want that stuff in your mouth, plus it taste nasty.
you can make then look thinner by applying cosmetics

3 steps:

1. Find out what color your skin is. Go to the drug store where you buy your make-up, and find a concealer that doesn't rub off easily. Be aware that a good concealer is sometimes expensive, but it's worth it.

2. Check your upper lip for any hairs, as these will be more obvious once you put on the concealer. Pluck them, wax them, etc. Just get rid of them! Avoid shaving them, as this may make it worse.

3. Take a lip-liner pencil and mark where you want your lips to be. Take your finger, and put a dab of concealer on it. Dab the concealer above your previously marked lip-line. Fill in your lips with lip-liner, gloss or lipstick.


* It's helpful if you do this part before the rest of your makeup if you use powder, or else it will look funny when you are finished.

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